Where Can I Obtain My Free Credit Reports?

a credit report request form on top of a table with a pen on top of the form, illustrating the intent of obtaining a free credit report.

Now more than ever, it is important for consumers to view their consumer credit reports. Identity theft is reported to be the fastest-growing crime and the number one complaint filed with the Federal Trade Commission for the past five years. Many businesses are reviewing consumer credit reports on prospective employees, and insurance companies and landlords may require that you give permission for a credit check. For these important reasons, consumers should be aware of what is on their credit report.

Your Free Annual Credit Reports:

Under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) consumers can obtain their free credit reports once every 12 months at www.annualcreditreport.com or by phone at: 877-322-8228 or by mail at:

Annual Credit Report Request Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281

Your Rights to Additional Free Credit Reports:

Anyone can request an additional free credit report for the following reasons:

  • You have been denied credit, insurance, housing, or employment within the previous 60 days.
  • You have been a victim of identity theft and have reason to believe that information is incorrect due to fraud.
  • You are without employment and plan to apply for employment within the next 60 days.
  • You are receiving public assistance.
  • If a negative decision, in whole or in part, has been made in relation to the information that is in your credit report. e.g. declined for a credit line increase.
  • If your credit report has been modified due to an investigation that you requested.
  • You live in the following states where the law states that you have the right to a free credit report: Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, Vermont and Georgia. (Georgia residents have the right to receive two annual credit reports free.)
A hand writing the words free credit score noting that credit reports can be obtained for free.

Nationwide Specialty Consumer Reporting Companies:

FACTA includes free annual consumer reports from these agencies too!

ChexSystems is a nationwide specialty consumer reporting agency that collects and maintains information from member financial institutions such as banks and credit unions. If a bank closes your checking account because of insufficient funds, for example, it will make a report to ChexSystems that other banks will check when you apply for new accounts.

Toll-free number: (800) 428-9623. On the web: www.chexsystems.com

Shared Check Authorization Network (SCAN) is owned by Deposit Payment Protection Services (DPPS). SCAN maintains a database of returned checks and instances of fraud. It provides check authorization and verification to its members, primarily retailers.

Toll-free number: (800) 262-7771 (U.S., Guam, and Puerto Rico); Fax: (800) 358-4506

To Order by Mail: Print the order form from the www.chexsystems.com website and mail to:

Deposit Payment Protection Services, Inc.
Attn: Consumer Referral Services
7805 Hudson Road, Suite 100
Woodbury, MN 55125

To Order by FAX: Fax the order form to 800-358-4506

TeleCheck – maintains a database of returned checks and instances of fraud. It provides check authorization and verification to member retailers.

Toll-free number: (800) TELECHECK (800-835-3243 not necessary to dial last 2 digits).


TeleCheck Services, Inc.
5251 Westheimer
Houston, Texas 77056

Declined Check Information: (800) 366-2425

Medical Insurance Bureau (MIB) – Maintains medical records or payments. https://www.mib.com/facts_about_mib.html

First Advantage SafeRent (Formerly known as Unlawful Detainer Registry (UDR))- maintains residential or tenant history.

CLUE – maintains insurance claims information.

If you find inaccurate information reporting, the Fair Credit Reporting Act dispute process is the same for all of the above reporting agencies. Sample dispute letters can be found on page 113 of Credit.org’s book, Consumer Guide to Good Credit, which is available for free download in English and Spanish.

If you are having any issues with your credit score, get connected with one of our credit counselors.

Melinda Opperman
Article written by
Melinda Opperman is an exceptional educator who lives and breathes the creation and implementation of innovative ways to motivate and educate community members and students about financial literacy. Melinda joined credit.org in 2003 and has over two decades of experience in the industry.

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