Contact Us

Looking to improve your financial well-being? provides access to quality financial education, counseling, and assistance.
Purple headset with a microphone that represents the ability of the client to communicate with credit counseling services or housing counseling services.

Client Services

Locations & Hours of Operation

Department Phone Number

New Clients

Existing Clients

Debt Management Program Servicing

Bankruptcy Education Courses/Certificates

Foreclosure Assistance

Reverse Mortgage Assistance

TTY Hearing Impaired Relay Service


Consumer Credit Counseling

Weekday: 7am to 5pm (Pacific)
Sat-Sun: Closed

Debt Management Program Counseling

Weekday: 8am to 5pm (Pacific)
Sat-Sun: Closed

Foreclosure Prevention Counseling

Weekday: 7am to 5pm (Pacific)
Sat-Sun: Closed

Reverse Mortgage Counseling

Weekday: 7am to 5pm (Pacific)
Sat-Sun: Closed

Bankruptcy Counseling

Weekday: 7am to 5pm (Pacific)
Sat-Sun: Closed

Reverse Mortgage Assistance

TTY Hearing Impaired Relay Service