Navigate a New Beginning with Our Bankruptcy Counseling Service

Facing financial turmoil?’s bankruptcy counseling service provides a beacon of hope and a pathway to a fresh start. Specializing in bankruptcy education, we offer alternatives to those overwhelmed by debt. With expert advice and empathetic support, our service is designed to educate you through the bankruptcy counseling process, ensuring you clarity and confidence.
*Approval by the EOUST or Bankruptcy Administrator to issue bankruptcy certificates evidences completion of a budget and credit counseling and debtor education course in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. EOUST or Bankruptcy Administrator approval does not endorse or assure the quality of an Agency’s service.
*The EOUST or Bankruptcy Administrator has reviewed only the Agency’s counseling/instructional services and no other services the Agency may provide [28 C.F.R. section 58.20(l)(11)].
*The Agency may disclose client information to the Executive Office for the United States Trustee in connection with the Executive Office of the United States Trustee’s oversight of the agency, the Bankruptcy Administrator, or during the investigation of complaints, during on-site visits, or during quality of service reviews.
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Counseling Session 1

Before Filing Bankruptcy

Before filing for bankruptcy, individuals are required to complete a pre-filing bankruptcy counseling session with a certified credit counselor. is an EOUST or Bankruptcy Administrator approved agency.

During this one-hour session, our counselors provide the required education regarding bankruptcy and also create an individualized family budget that assists the individual and/or family to better make sound financial choices in the future.
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Bankruptcy Counseling Service Benefits

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Bankruptcy Filing Education

The cornerstone of our bankruptcy service is expert, personalized guidance. We navigate you through the required education needed when considering filing for bankruptcy, ensuring your journey is as smooth and informed as possible.
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Tailored Bankruptcy Counseling

We provide education regarding bankruptcy and all alternatives available to help resolve difficult financial situations. We’ll help you understand your current financial standing.
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Comprehensive Financial Assessment

Our bankruptcy counseling service includes a thorough financial review. By assessing your current circumstances, we will be able to determine options available for you.
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Ongoing Support and Education

We believe in empowering you through education. Our service provides ongoing support and resources to help you understand the impacts of bankruptcy, paving the way for better financial management post-bankruptcy.
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Counseling Session 2

After Filing Bankruptcy

After filing for bankruptcy and before your debts can be discharged, individuals must receive financial education from an approved agency.

During this required session will cover a variety of topics focusing on financial and budgeting material. Our goal is to provide individuals and/or families with knowledge and tools for future management of personal finances. is an EOUST or Bankruptcy Administrator approved agency.

Key Aspects of Our Bankruptcy Counseling

Detailed Debt and Asset Analysis

A crucial step in our bankruptcy counseling is a detailed financial analysis of your debts and assets.

Personalized Client Action Planning

We include a personalized action plan tailored to align with your specific needs and goals, ensuring the most favorable outcomes.

A Path to Financial Relief and Recovery

Our counseling is designed to educate you on options to relieve you from crippling debt. We provide options, and a clear structured approach to help you find light at the end of the tunnel.
Get BK Counseling Session's ecosystem of all the financial education, financial education, financial counseling, financial guides, financial videos, and virtual/ in-person courses.
Empower Your Financial Rebuild

Comprehensive Education and Resources

Beyond education, our bankruptcy counseling provides tools and educational resources. These are essential for understanding the bankruptcy process and for effective financial rebuilding post-bankruptcy.
Explore Our Resources

Bankruptcy Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Accordion

Is approved by the Executive Office for United States Trustees or Bankruptcy Administrator?

Yes. is approved to issue Pre-filing Credit Counseling and Pre-discharge Debtor Education certificates in compliance with the bankruptcy code. Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of an agency’s service.

Do I need to meet with an attorney before I can speak to a counselor at

No, you can talk to a counselor at before or after you meet with an attorney.

How long will I have to wait for a bankruptcy counseling appointment?

We have counselors standing by to take your calls. No appointment is necessary. Simply call us at 1-888-425-3453 to speak directly to a bankruptcy counselor. (see our business hours)

How long does the bankruptcy counseling session usually take at

Under the bankruptcy law, The Executive Office for United States Trustees requires that you participate in a counseling session that may take up to 90 minutes or longer. Sessions may be shorter or longer, depending on your situation, amount of information to be gathered, number of questions you ask, etc.
In-Depth Insights into Bankruptcy

Want to Understand More About Bankruptcy?

Our service offers a deep dive into the various aspects of bankruptcy, providing you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your financial future.
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