Your credit score plays a vital role in your financial life, influencing loan approvals, interest rates, and even some job opportunities. Understanding how credit scores are generated and managed can empower you to make smarter financial decisions.Your first credit score requires a credit report that includes at least one account with a payment history. The time needed to generate this score varies depending on the scoring model:
Credit scoring is a statistical method that lenders, some insurance companies, and employers use to quickly and objectively assess the credit risk of an applicant. In the case of an employer, they often use the report to assess your character and to look for outside influences that could affect your work ethics. Learn more, read out article "FICO vs. VantageScore | Understanding Credit Scores"
A credit score reflects your creditworthiness as a borrower. Scores typically range from 300 (high risk) to 850 (low risk). Lenders use this number to determine how likely you are to repay debts.
Factors that don’t affect your credit score include:
For further details, read our article "what is a good credit score?".
Below are most common factors that make up how your credit score is calculated. These factors do vary slightly between credit score models, but in general, they are all very similar.
Learn more about the components of credit scores on MyFICO’s website.
To build and maintain a strong credit score, follow these practices:
Learn more, read out article "Control Your Credit Score: Proven Tips & Strategies"
Applying for credit triggers hard inquiries, which may temporarily lower your score. Here’s how they work:
If your credit score isn’t improving, review the reason codes provided by credit bureaus. These codes identify factors limiting your score, such as:
Many people rely on incorrect advice about improving their scores. Instead of following opinions, focus on actionable insights, such as:
Learn how to dispute credit report errors from "How to Dispute Credit Reports" Step by Step Guide".
Credit scores are dynamic and influence many aspects of your financial life. By understanding the key factors and maintaining healthy financial habits, you can achieve a strong score and greater financial freedom.
For help, speak with our certified credit counselor. Schedule your appointment today or call 800-431-8157 for free, confidential counseling.