Need Debt Relief or Housing Assistance?

Discover the Amazement of Financial Freedom!
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Debt Relief

Credit Building

Housing Assistance

Asset Protection

Asset Protection
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Cómo podemos ayudar

Explore sus opciones financieras

Get Out of Debt

Our debt counseling and financial counseling services are designed to empower you on your path to financial success. Call now to receive free counseling and start building a brighter future!

Build Your Credit

Access's expert counselors to navigate credit complexities, boost ratings, manage debt, and make informed financial choices.

Keep or Own a Home

If you are facing home foreclosure or are a renter having trouble making your payments, contact our HUD Certified Housing Counselors to help you understand your assistance program options.

Protect Your Future

Obtain your personalized financial counseling from us. We go beyond advice, educating homeowners on reverse mortgages and the importance of a well-crafted will and trust. We provide unbiased guidance to help you make confident decisions and protect your future.

Tu camino hacia la libertad financiera

image to illustrate's initial financial assessment and counseling step.
Stage 1:
Initial assessment
and counseling
Client Assessment: Evaluating the client's financial situation, including unsecured debt, debt-to-income ratio (DTI), credit history, and budget management skills.

Credit and Debt Counseling: Providing personalized counseling, budget creation, and a financial action plan.
money with an upwards error to signal wealth growth with debt reduction.
Stage 2:
Debt reduction
and budgeting
Debt Reduction: Implementing strategies like negotiation, repayment schedules, and debt management.

Budget Development: Creating a household budget that allows for savings and debt repayment.
credit score gauge that illustrates client credit building and improvement with's credit counseling service.
Stage 3:
Credit building
and improvement
Credit Improvement Strategies: Guiding clients on improving credit scores through dispute resolution and consistent payments.

Credit Education: Offering resources to understand credit utilization and the importance of credit inquiries.
an image of a vault that represents the client building their savings as a financial goal with
Stage 4:
and financial goals
Savings Plan: Initiating savings for a home down payment and closing costs.

Financial Goal Setting: Establishing clear goals with a timeline for becoming a homebuyer.
a computer image that illustrates continuous tracking and follow up digitally available for the client wanting to get out of debt or preparing for homeownership.
Stage 5:
Continuous monitoring
and follow-up
Ongoing Counseling: Regular follow-up sessions to track progress and address new challenges.

Milestone Tracking: Monitoring achievements like reaching a target credit score and saving for a down payment.

Preparation for Homeownership: Preparing for homeownership through education and mortgage options.

Donde comienza la libertad financiera

Donde comienza la libertad financiera

Empieza hoy
image to illustrate's initial financial assessment and counseling step.
Stage 1:
Initial assessment
and counseling
Client Assessment: Evaluating the client's financial situation, including unsecured debt, debt-to-income ratio (DTI), credit history, and budget management skills.

Credit and Debt Counseling: Providing personalized counseling, budget creation, and a financial action plan.
money with an upwards error to signal wealth growth with debt reduction.
Stage 2:
Debt reduction
and budgeting
Debt Reduction: Implementing strategies like negotiation, repayment schedules, and debt management.

Budget Development: Creating a household budget that allows for savings and debt repayment.
credit score gauge that illustrates client credit building and improvement with's credit counseling service.
Stage 3:
Credit building
and improvement
Credit Improvement Strategies: Guiding clients on improving credit scores through dispute resolution and consistent payments.

Credit Education: Offering resources to understand credit utilization and the importance of credit inquiries.
an image of a vault that represents the client building their savings as a financial goal with
Stage 4:
and financial goals
Savings Plan: Initiating savings for a home down payment and closing costs.

Financial Goal Setting: Establishing clear goals with a timeline for becoming a homebuyer.
a computer image that illustrates continuous tracking and follow up digitally available for the client wanting to get out of debt or preparing for homeownership.
Stage 5:
Continuous monitoring
and follow-up
Ongoing Counseling: Regular follow-up sessions to track progress and address new challenges.

Milestone Tracking: Monitoring achievements like reaching a target credit score and saving for a down payment.

Preparation for Homeownership: Preparing for homeownership through education and mortgage options.

educación financiera

Image of financial education books with a graduation hat on top illustrating having completed the financial classes.
Educación y clases
Las clases gratuitas de finanzas personales en línea están abiertas al público sin necesidad de registrarse.
Empieza a aprender
financial calculator with a chart and money to illustrate financial resources will increase wealth building.
Recursos financieros
Administre sus finanzas personales con la ayuda de nuestras herramientas en línea gratuitas que están disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.
Explore los recursos

Options to Paying Off Credit Card Debt

If current credit card debt
Pay the minimum balance
365 months
to payoff debt
interest accrued
Qualify for a personal loan (debt consolidation)
60 months
to payoff debt
interest accrued
total payment
Debt Management Plan with
60 months
to payoff debt
interest accrued
potential savings
Get free consultation
If current credit card debt
Pay the minimum balance
365 months
to payoff debt
interest accrued
Qualify for a personal loan (debt consolidation)
60 months
to payoff debt
interest accrued
total payment
Debt Management Plan with
60 months
to payoff debt
interest accrued
potential savings
Get free consultation
Orgulloso miembro de
Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Acreditado por el Better Business Bureau (BBB). Desde 1983, hemos mantenido nuestra calificación A+ en el Better Business Bureau y nos la tomamos muy en serio.
Consejo de Acreditación
El Consejo de Acreditación (COA). se somete a un extenso proceso de revisión por parte de un grupo de revisión independiente para garantizar que brindamos los mejores servicios posibles sin fines de lucro a la comunidad.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is the Federal agency responsible for national policy and programs that address America's housing needs, that improve and develop the Nation's communities, and enforce fair housing laws.
Fundación Nacional de Asesoramiento Crediticio
Miembro de la Fundación Nacional de Asesoramiento Crediticio (NFCC). La Fundación Nacional para el Asesoramiento Crediticio promueve la agenda nacional en favor de un comportamiento financieramente responsable, la educación financiera y los servicios de asesoramiento crediticio al consumidor.
Acerca de nosotros

Why Choose es una organización sin fines de lucro creada en 1974 con la misión de brindar a los consumidores la educación financiera y las opciones de alivio de la deuda necesarias para garantizar que estén en el camino correcto hacia la libertad financiera.

¿Por qué elegir

image of a female client that has left a review for her financial counseling session with
"The process was as smooth as could possibly be expected. Ebony was very knowledgeable, professional and helpful."
image of a female client that has left a review for her financial counseling session with
Norris White
September 2023
image of a female client that has left a review for her reverse mortgage counseling session with
"We feel we were given a wealth of knowledge to be able to move forward with confidence in obtaining a Reverse Mortage."
image of a female client that has left a review for her reverse mortgage counseling session with
Kathryn N
August 2023
image of a male client that has left a review for his housing counseling session with
"Excellent effort on building up a knowledge-based module to help orient first time home buyers on critical thinking and understanding the housing jargons."
image of a male client that has left a review for his housing counseling session with
Jeorge U
November 2023
image of a female client that has left a review for her financial counseling session with
"The process was as smooth as could possibly be expected. Ebony was very knowledgeable, professional and helpful."
image of a female client that has left a review for her financial counseling session with
Norris White
September 2023
image of a female client that has left a review for her reverse mortgage counseling session with
"We feel we were given a wealth of knowledge to be able to move forward with confidence in obtaining a Reverse Mortage."
image of a female client that has left a review for her reverse mortgage counseling session with
Kathryn N
August 2023
image of a male client that has left a review for his housing counseling session with
"Excellent effort on building up a knowledge-based module to help orient first time home buyers on critical thinking and understanding the housing jargons."
image of a male client that has left a review for his housing counseling session with
Jeorge U
November 2023
an envelope that represents that email that subscribers to nonprofit financial education newsletters.

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