Programas de asistencia al empleado
Assistance Programs

Según nuestra experiencia, la mayoría de los empleadores se preocupan por el bienestar de las personas que trabajan para ellos. Muchos empleadores son conscientes de las dificultades financieras que a veces enfrentan sus empleados y quieren hacer algo para ayudarlos.
Employee Assi…ance-min


¿Le preocupa cómo pasar la jornada laboral cuando los acreedores llaman? Hay una solución sencilla:

Llámanos: Tómese unos minutos para llamarnos y solicitar asesoramiento por teléfono.

Pruébenos: Permítanos informarle sobre su situación financiera y cómo puede resolverla. Le ayudaremos a entender todas sus opciones.

Una vez que hayas aprendido cómo podemos ayudarte, querrás contarles a los demás acerca de nosotros e invitarlos a hacer el mismo tipo de cambio positivo en sus vidas. También querrás decirle a tu empleador que debe poner la información sobre nosotros a disposición de todos los empleados para que cualquier persona que necesite nuestra ayuda sepa a quién acudir.

Si trabaja en el sur de California, sugiera que su empleador haga los arreglos necesarios para que le informemos sobre en su lugar de trabajo. Para los programas de asistencia al empleado para empleadores fuera del sur de California, podemos organizar un seminario web en vivo para su lugar de trabajo.

Recuerde que puede solicitar asesoramiento de forma rápida y sencilla llamándonos al 1-877-Wise-Plan (1.877.947.3752).
Employee Assi… (2)-min
Employee Assi…ance-min


Según nuestra experiencia, la mayoría de los empleadores se preocupan por el bienestar de las personas que trabajan para ellos. Muchos empleadores son conscientes de las dificultades financieras que a veces enfrentan sus empleados y quieren hacer algo para ayudarlos.

Lamentablemente, las realidades presupuestarias hacen que sea imposible pagar más a todos para ayudarlos a superar sus problemas financieros. Por eso estamos a disposición de los empleadores para ayudar a educar a los trabajadores sobre el uso racional del crédito, la presupuestación y otros temas cruciales.

Al aprovechar nuestra experiencia, los empleadores pueden ofrecer seminarios y talleres que ayudarán a sus empleados a sobrevivir con sus ingresos actuales. De esta manera, esperamos ayudar a que los lugares de trabajo sean menos estresantes y más productivos.

Para obtener más información sobre los programas de asistencia al empleado de, llame y pregunte por nuestro departamento de educación al 1-877-Wise-Plan o envíe un correo electrónico

¿Está buscando ubicaciones de oficinas de desempleo?

Are you unemployed? Find your state's unemployment website below.

This page includes direct links to official government websites for all 50 state unemployment office locations, which offer information such as phone numbers, important forms, and free resources. Whether you are looking for a new job, have recently lost your job due to no fault of your own, or have been injured on the job, most unemployment office locations offer programs that can help you in a time of need.

Click to jump to your State's unemployment section:

A - C - D - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V 
- W

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AL - Alabama Department of Labor

Alabama residents should go here for information about unemployment benefits:

AK - State of Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development

Alaska residents can find information about unemployment insurance here:

AZ - Arizona Department of Economic Security

Information on Arizona's Unemployment Insurance Benefit Program:

AR - Arkansas Department of Workforce Services

Workers unemployment benefits from the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services:


CA - California Employment Development Department

An overview of unemployment insurance from the California EDD:

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CO - Colorado Department of Labor & Employment

Information on Unemployment Insurance Benefits from the state of Colorado:

CT - Connecticut Department of Labor

Unemployment Insurance from the state of Connecticut:


DE - State of Delaware Department of Labor

Deleware's Division of Unemployment Insurance:

DC - District of Columbia Department of Employment Services

Start your unemployment compensation process:


FL - State of Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation

Unemployment compensation from the state of Florida:

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GA - Georgia Department of Labor

Learn about Unemployment benefits for individuals from the state of Georgia:


HI - Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Unemployment Insurance from the state of Hawaii:


ID - Idaho Department of Labor

Unemployment insurance benefits from the state of Idaho:

IL - Illinois Employment Security

Unemployment services for individuals from the Illinois Department of Employment Security:

IN - Indiana Department of Workforce Development

Unemployment info from the state of Indiana:

IA - Iowa Unemployment Insurance Services Division

Unemployment insurance from Iowa Workforce:


KS - Kansas Department of Labor

Online claims filing from the state of Kansas:

KY - Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment Insurance Claims Filing from the state of Kentucky:


LA - Louisiana Workforce Commission

Unemployment Insurance from the state of Louisiana:


ME - Maine Department of Labor

Unemployment information for the state of Maine: Visit Website

MD - Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation

Maryland's unemployment insurance internet claim system:

MA - Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance

Online Services from the state of Massachusetts:

MI - Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency

Claiming unemployment benefits in the state of Michigan:

MN - Minnesota Unemployment Insurance

Information for Minnesota residents:

MS - Mississippi Department of Employment Security

Increasing employment in Mississippi:

MO - Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Online services from the state of Missouri:

MT - Montana Unemployment Insurance Division

Montana Emergency Unemployment Compensation:


NE - Nebraska Workforce Development

Unemployment insurance benefits and information from the Nebraska Department of Labor:

NV - Nevada Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation

Nevada Unemployment Insurance Benefits:

NH - New Hampshire Employment Security

State of New Hampshire unemployment benefits:

NJ - New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development

Unemployment insurance from the state of New Jersey:

NM - New Mexico Unemployment Office

New Mexico Unemployment Insurance:

NY - New York State Department of Labor

Unemployment insurance benefits online from New York State:

Looking for Debt Relief?

See Debt Relief Options

NC - Employment Security Commission of North Carolina

North Carolina unemployment information:

ND - Job Service North Dakota

Unemployment insurance claims in North Dakota:


TN - Tennessee Department of Labor

State of Tennessee unemployment benefits:

TX - Texas Workforce Commission

Texas unemployment claim and appeals information:

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UT - Utah Department of Workforce Services

Unemployment insurance for Utah job seekers:


VT - Vermont Department of Labor

Unemployment insurance from the State of Vermont:

VA - Virginia Employment Commission

Unemployment insurance services from the Virginia Commonwealth:


WA - Washington Employment Security Department

Washington State unemployment benefits:

WV - Work Force West Virginia

Unemployment compensation for West Virginia:

WI - Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development

Unemployment insurance benefits from the state of Wisconsin:

WY - Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

Wyoming unemployment insurance division: