The Real Cost of Credit Card Interest | What You Should Know

A moving credit card with a 0% interest rate on top of the credit card, indicating how credit card interest rates can move quickly.

Credit card interest is costing you more than you can imagine. Understanding how credit card interest rates affect your finances is crucial. Let's explore two key factors: the interest rate itself and the payoff term, both significantly impacting the total cost.

Impact of Credit Card Interest Rates

How Interest Rates Affect Your Debt

The interest rate on your card is a major factor in determining how much debt will cost you. For instance, a $10,000 credit line at a 5.9% credit card interest rate will cost $10,637 if paid off in 2 years.

Securing such a low rate is rare today, with many even with good credit scores facing double-digit interest rates. Paying 12.9% interest on the same amount increases the total payment to $12,797 over two years. These figures show how higher credit card interest rates can significantly increase your debt.

Comparing Credit Card Interest Rates

When you're looking at credit cards, it's super important to compare their interest rates. Think of the interest rate like the extra cost you pay for borrowing money. Some cards have high interest, which means you pay more money back.

Others have lower rates, which is better for you. To find the best card, look at your credit score first. A good credit score can get you a card with a lower interest rate. Remember, the lower the interest rate, the less extra money you have to pay

Considering the Payoff Term

The Long-Term Cost of Carrying Credit Card Debt

The second factor to consider is how long it will take you to pay off the debt. Two years was the example illustrated as the amount of time to pay off debt.

Most people we help with credit counseling need about four or five years to pay back their money owed to one or more lenders. That compounds the interest paid even further to credit card companies. Add in higher interest rates, and you end up paying double, triple, even five times the original amount of the credit card debt.

Many people carry interest-bearing debt from existing credit card debt month-over month, and it can linger for years. When you buy more things or have unexpected costs, your debt gets bigger instead of smaller. This means it could take even more years to pay it all off.

Paying off debt faster is important in achieving peace of mind. If you have to use a credit card for an emergency, you won't end up with a lot of debt and high interest for a long time. The longer you take, the more interest rate cost increases, and you'll owe a lot more.

The interest rate can make what you owe grow a lot and fast. Also, when you're paying off debt, you don't save money, and healthy savings accounts are important too. Remember, every dollar you pay in interest is a dollar you don't save.

Strategies to Reduce Payoff Time

Reducing credit card interest rates is crucial for financial relief and managing your debts more effectively. One effective strategy is to negotiate directly with your credit card issuer.

Another method is using balance transfer offers. These offers, typically from credit card companies, allow you to transfer your existing balance to a new credit card with a lower interest rate, often as a promotional rate for a specific period.

This approach can significantly reduce the amount of interest you pay, especially if you can pay off the balance before the promotional period ends. Additionally, combining your debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate can also help. This turns multiple payments with varying high interest rates into one payment, often with a lower overall rate, simplifying your finances and reducing the total interest cost.

Improving Your Credit Score

A strong credit score is a powerful tool in securing lower credit card interest rates. To improve your credit score, start by making sure timely payments on all your debts, as payment history is a significant factor in credit score calculations. Keep your credit card balances well below your credit limits, as high credit utilization rate negatively impact your score.

Regularly check your credit report for any errors or discrepancies, as these can unfairly lower your score. If you find any, dispute them with the credit bureau promptly. Additionally, avoid opening too many new credit card accounts in a short period, as this can lower your average account age, impacting your score.

By responsibly managing your credit, keeping balances low, and making consistent payments, you can gradually improve your credit score. A higher score often leads to better credit card offers, with lower interest rates, saving you money over time and making debt management more manageable.

The Hidden Cost of Not Saving

Credit Card Interest vs. Saving Potential

Another aspect where credit card interest rates cost you is in potential savings. Recently during America Saves Week, we encouraged consumers to set goals to save more money.

Research we cited indicates that the typical millionaire saves or invests 20% of their income. Meanwhile, the average American saves less than 5%. This disparity often stems from high credit card interest payments.

Many believe saving money is simpler for those who are wealthy. However, many rich people got wealthy by avoiding large credit card debts and actively saving a lot.

Save money instead of borrowing it to stop paying card interest and move towards financial freedom.

Building a Savings Mindset

Saving money can be hard when you have credit card debt. But it's important. Think of saving like planting a seed that grows over time.

Start by setting small goals, like saving a little bit of your allowance or paycheck each week. Making a habit is where it starts. Every time you save instead of spend, you're helping the future of you! And when you pay less in credit card interest rates, you have more money to save.

Budgeting and Financial Planning

Creating a Budget to Manage Credit Card Payments

Making a budget is a plan on how you'll use your money and where you'll invest your money. First, figure out how much money you get from things like your job.

Then, note all the things you need to pay for, like food and bills. Don't forget to include your credit card payments, especially if they have high interest rates. A good budget helps you see where your money's going and find ways to save more or pay off debts quicker. Think of it like a roadmap for your money!

Debt Management and Credit Counseling

Exploring Solutions to Manage Credit Card Debt

If you're finding it hard to pay off your credit card, don't worry, there's help out there. Credit counseling is like having a friend who helps you with money.

Our credit counselors can look at your debts and find ways to make them easier to pay off. At times, they can even work out a plan with lower interest rates or smaller payments. This can help you exit debt faster and save in the long run.


Take Control of Your Credit Card Debt

Ending up with a lot of debt can feel overwhelming, but remember, you have the power to take control of it. The first step is understanding how credit card interest rates work.

Remember, the lower your interest rate, the less extra money you have to pay back.

Next, work on building a strong habit of saving money. Even a little bit saved now can make a big difference later. Getting help from credit counseling can also be a game-changer. They can give you advice and help you make a plan to get out of debt. Making a budget is another great tool. It's like a plan that shows you how to spend your money wisely so you can pay off your credit card faster.

By taking these steps, you can feel more in control of your money. Making smart choices, getting the right help, and sticking to your plan, is what it's all about. You can do it! Use our free credit counseling session to help pay your credit cards and get lower interest rates. Our services can help you effectively manage and pay off your debts

Article written by
Melinda Opperman
Melinda Opperman is an exceptional educator who lives and breathes the creation and implementation of innovative ways to motivate and educate community members and students about financial literacy. Melinda joined in 2003 and has over two decades of experience in the industry.

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