Credit scores typically change gradually over time, but occasionally, they might shift significantly, either dropping quickly or jumping up unexpectedly. While it’s often easy to pinpoint causes for a sharp decline—such as bankruptcy or foreclosure, an unexpected credit score increase can be more puzzling.
Here’s a closer look at common reasons for a sudden credit score jump and what you can do to better understand these changes.
The average age of your accounts plays a crucial role in determining your credit score. Over time, older accounts in good standing positively impact your score. If you close a newer account, leaving only well-established ones, your score might increase. Learn more about the length of credit history and its impact on your FICO score.
Negative items on your credit report have a limited lifespan. For example:
When these negative entries expire and are removed, your credit score can rise. For a full breakdown of how long items remain on your report.
If you discover an error on your credit report and dispute it successfully, the removal of incorrect information can immediately boost your score. Learn more about disputing credit report errors at, where you can access free credit reports and begin the dispute process.
Occasionally, credit bureaus make mistakes when calculating your score. This can result in a temporary credit score jump, followed by a correction that returns your score to its accurate value. Regularly monitoring your credit reports can help you catch and address these issues quickly. See why it’s important to check your credit report regularly.
It’s important to compare credit scores within the same scoring model. For instance, a FICO score might differ significantly from a VantageScore. If you notice an increase, ensure you’re comparing scores from the same model. For a deeper understanding, check out recent changes to VantageScores.
To understand and maintain a healthy credit score:
If your credit score increases and you’re uncertain about the cause:
For over 50 years, we’ve been helping individuals navigate the complexities of credit. If you have questions about sudden changes in your credit score, contact us for free, confidential counseling today.