Working with a credit counsleor will help you pay off debt fast and manage your personal finances more efficiently. Our free credit advice is personalized to your unique situation.
The details on your credit report, like your credit score, directly impact your everyday financial well-being. Your credit score influences your ability to secure the best interest rates on loans, helps you qualify for housing, rentals or a mortgage, and even plays a role in obtaining employment for certain types of positions.
Your credit report can influence your ability to find housing, employment and secure a loan. Knowing your score and understanding your report are the first steps towards your financial health. Our certified financial counselors will guide you through your credit report, answer questions, and give personalized guidance towards improving your score.
Learn about the process of getting a bank account with BankOn. Learn all there is to know about opening a bank account and the responsible usage of the bank account.
Speak with a Debt Coach to review all your options and discuss the best strategies for getting debt relief. We’ll point you in the right direction, whether that’s DIY debt relief or a debt program, like Debt Management Plans or Debt Settlement.
Debt is common and manageable. Our certified financial counselors are standing by ready to answer your questions, provide guidance, and help you reach your financial goals. Speaking to one of our certified debt counselors is completely free. Our counselors will be able to review all of your options for getting out of debt and guide you toward the best path forward.
A financial counselor will help you determine whether a Debt Management Plan is your best path toward effectively managing debt levels. Once you enroll in a plan, we become your personal advocates, working closely with you and your creditors to pay off debt in a timely fashion.
Debt settlement is a process that allows you to pay off debt by paying a single lump sum that is lower than the total amount you owe. Settlements are achieved through negotiation between lenders and consumers or a third-party debt settlement company. Our counselors will help you assess if debt settlement is the best debt relief option for you. is an Executive Office for United States Trustees ‘EOUST‘ approved agency. Our experienced financial counselors work with people in all stages of their financial life, including the challenging decision of bankruptcy. Our cousnelors can help you obtain the certificate you need to file for bankruptcy or discharge debts in bankruptcy. offers expert student loan counseling to help you manage your education debt. Our certified counselors guide you through loan repayment options, consolidation, and strategies to alleviate student loan stress. Get personalized assistance to navigate your student loan journey and find the best solutions for your financial goals.
Whether you are current on your mortgage payments, experiencing a financial hardship, or ready to begin your homeownership journey, take action and reach out to a HUD Certified Housing Counselor today!
Work with our HUD Certified Counselors who will assess your current mortgage needs and help guide you to the options that are best suited for your specific situation.
If you are 62 or older, have equity in your home, and are considering a Reverse Mortgage loan, it is important to speak with one of our HUD Certified Counselors to understand the benefits and risk of this product.
Our award-winning counselors are here to help prepare you to own a home. We provide education, resources, and guidance to make your home buying process efficient, stress-free, and rewarding.
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If you are seeking guidance regarding renting, call us to speak with one of our financial counselors who will help you develop a budget, create a detailed action plan, and who can provide you with local, statewide, and national resources.
Community Affordable Loan Solution™ is designed to create homeownership access for clients who have never envisioned themselves as a homeowner. has partnered with Bank of America to assist first-time homebuyers with pre-purchase counseling and homebuyer education. has partnered with Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta to provide your pre-purchase or owner-occupied credit counseling.
Helping San Diego County, Riverside County & San Bernardino County residents CLIMB to financial freedom!
There is rare agreement among financial experts that consumers facing multiple credit card balances should focus their extra effort—and funds—on one debt at a time, and after that debt is paid off, put any extra funds toward the next debt on the list, and so on.
Which Plan to Use
While we all think this is the wisest plan for paying down multiple balances, there is much debate about how the debts should be prioritized:
Debt Snowball: The popular debt snowball method says you should pay the smallest balances first. Once the smallest debt is wiped out, put any extra funds to the next smallest, and so on. The last debt to be repaid will be the one with the highest balance. This method creates momentum and eliminates debts more quickly up front as the first few small debts are paid off.
Debt Snowflake: This is a variant of the snowball, where you make multiple payments every month. So every debt gets the minimum payment, then you make extra small payments every week to the one with the smallest balance. It has the same effect as the snowball, but you’re spreading out the payments for budgetary reasons.
Debt Avalanche: Also called debt stacking, with this method you pay high interest rates first. This saves you the most money by getting rid of the most expensive debts, with the last debt being the one with the lowest interest rate
Highest Balance First: We could coin a clever term for this, like “Debt Iceberg”, but the truth is no one recommends paying toward your highest balance first. The debate centers on whether one should tackle balances in order of lowest to highest, or interest rates from highest to lowest. We could see a potential scenario where one might tackle balances from highest to lowest without regard to interest rates—that is, if one debt is much higher than all the others and you’re making no progress every month. In that scenario, one might put extra money toward the high balance to bring it down to a manageable level. Even if you start with this in mind, we wouldn’t suggest you stick with these priorities. You’ll want to choose another method to finish paying off all of the debts.
DMP: Under a Debt Management Plan, every creditor is treated equally, without putting extra toward any one debt. The reason for this is the DMP includes a negotiation with all of the creditors, whereby you are granted reduced payments and lower interest rates. Part of that negotiation is that all creditors will be treated equally. It would be impossible to get them to come on board and grant concessions if their debts were going to be prioritized lower than others on the list.
So which method is the best? If you’re a good candidate for a DMP (and not everyone is), a certified credit counselor will work out the payment plan with you. If you’re tackling your debts on your own (and we encourage that before signing up for a DMP) then you have to weigh the advantages of the Snowball vs. the Avalanche. The bottom line is, the Avalanche method saves you money, while the Snowball method feels better, as you score “wins” up front when you pay off smaller debts first.
So the real answer depends on you. Are you someone who can stick with a budget and do what’s needed to pay off high-interest debts first? Or do you need the extra encouragement that comes with tackling the most manageable balances up front?
If you’re having trouble answering that question for yourself, call us today. We have certified counselors who will help you understand your situation and create a budget, with no need to sign up for a debt management plan. Counseling is always free and confidential!
Melinda Opperman
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Melinda Opperman is an exceptional educator who lives and breathes the creation and implementation of innovative ways to motivate and educate community members and students about financial literacy. Melinda joined in 2003 and has over two decades of experience in the industry.