NFCC — Fundación Nacional para el Asesoramiento Crediticio

En una emocionante colaboración entre la National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) y, nos comprometemos a convertir sus desafíos financieros en victorias. Ya sea que esté lidiando con préstamos estudiantiles, ahogándose en deudas de tarjetas de crédito o enfrentando obstáculos financieros imprevistos, nuestra asociación reúne lo mejor de ambos mundos para ofrecerle un apoyo sin igual.
the logo of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling representing the partnership with's Credit Counseling Service.
Expertise in Various Debt Relief Solutions

Who is the NFCC?

The National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), founded in 1951, is considered the gold standard in the financial counseling sector. The NFCC is the largest and longest-serving nonprofit financial counseling organization in the United States with nonprofit credit counseling member agencies serving consumers nationwide.

Learn more about the NFCC and its membership below:

Official Website: is a Certified Member of The NFCC. has been an acknowledged member of the NFCC since its founding in 1974.As a proud NFCC member, provides access to coaches that can give you the financial guidance you need to get back on the right track.
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How Our Partnership Guarantees You Better Financial Support


The NFCC provides counselor certification for its member agencies, like By certifying these counselors, can help clients make the best decisions regarding their personal finances. Counselors must become re-certified every two years.


NFCC Members must also be accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA), which signifies meeting the highest standard of service delivery. COA ensures that our practices are ethical, financially sound, and focused on serving the best interests of our clients.


In addition to the counselor certification and service standards established by the NFCC, the NFCC also sponsors national initiatives with the participation of member agencies.

Administrative Support

The NFCC helps us by evaluating current laws and regulations that affect our industry. Being a member helps stay in compliance and ensures that our clients receive the full protection of all relevant legislation.

Relaciones industriales

La NFCC negocia con los acreedores que participan en Programas de gestión de deudas. Las concesiones estandarizadas que ofrecen los acreedores nos permiten asesorar a los clientes de forma individual y estimar de inmediato cómo trabajarán los acreedores con ellos para lograr el alivio de la deuda. Si la NFCC no llevara a cabo esta negociación a un alto nivel, los miembros tendrían que entablar negociaciones individuales para cada uno de los miles de clientes que buscan ayuda; esto sería prácticamente imposible. La NFCC también ayuda a formar asociaciones con organizaciones benéficas y proveedores de subvenciones para ayudar a llegar a un público más amplio y financiar las operaciones de la agencia sin tener que cobrar altos honorarios a nuestros clientes.
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